
Casey Kurlander

My name is Casey Kurlander and I am a social media marketer living in Delray Beach, Florida.

All forms of digital marketing, yoga, advertising (especially ambient), NBA basketball (go Heat!), mojitos, traveling, The Beatles, running, cats, road trips, live music, happy hour, the color yellow, shoes, red wine, ceviche, kayaking, black tea, all forms of art, Harajuku, Shinjuku, and pretty much all of Japan are the things that really excite me.

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5 thoughts on “About

  1. instillari says:

    Hey, I noticed you hada post about Delray Beach, do you live in Florida? Well, if you do or know anyone who does I am promoting free screening passes to the movie Total Recall. It is only for select locations in FL, so I would love for you to pass it along on your blog or Facebook page. Thanks! http://instillari.com/2012/07/20/total-recall-free-screening-passes/

  2. instillari says:

    Click on my link, it will explain everything and lists the 5 theaters (1 in Miami, West Palm, Orlando, Tampa, and Jacksonville). And tell everyone you know in those areas!

  3. Hi Casey,

    Thanks for checking out my blog! I found your comment in my Spam folder for some reason hence my late response.


  4. Karin Wiberg says:

    Casey – I find your blog entertaining and intriguing–humor and pathos. I am nominating your for the Beautiful Blogger Award. See my post for details (http://karinwiberg.wordpress.com/2012/08/12/one-lovely-blog-beautiful-blogger-awards/). Thanks for sharing your work! –Karin
